
Neighbor is a consumer billing platform that our team launched in three months, from concept to production. As head of design, I was responsible for the UX and UI for the entire platform, our bills, and email designs.

Once the first release was out the door, we then re-launched our website to sell what we had built, and to attract employees to the company. In so doing, I identified the need to refresh the brand, but only had a week to develop our new look.

This is the story of Neighbor.

Old and new Neighbor logos.

Old and new Neighbor logos.
Goals: Make the brand and colors more lively, increase contrast.

My Role
UX/UI Design.
Brand development and implementation.
UI designs. For brand: Logo, colors, sales deck, business cards, web site, and brand guidelines.

Our new colors were inspired by the colors of the neighborhood: grass, sky, brick, and concrete.

The colors of Neighbor


Variations of the logo. Variations of the logo.

Initial concepts resulted in these six variations: Some followed a house theme, others played off of the N shape (or both), to the abstract.

Animation showing the logo as if the roof angle was 26 degrees versus 45 degrees.

The average roof pitch in our target geography is apparently 26 degrees. Increasing this to 45 degrees makes for a more apparent N shape and more compact logo.

Large version of Neighbor logo with captions pointing out its house shape, shadow, how it forms the letter N, and how its color strips could represent a neighborhood.
Variations on typeography for the logo: Lowercase, script, and uppercase treatments of Neighbor.

Variations on typography. The old logo used Comfortaa. After trying various options, the friendly tone of Comfortaa continued to fit the brand.

Final versions of the logo.

The final logo.

Animation showing the Neighbor symbol and wordmark coming together as neighbors. The symbol transforms from a letter N to its final logo shape.
Front and back of Neighbor's business cards, showing a contact on one side and the Neighbor logo and tagline on the other.

Business cards.

Neighbor sales deck in an isometric layout

Sales deck.

Screenshot of Neighbor on a desk with a keyboard, cup of coffee, and a small plant
Simplified version of the Neighbor bills.

Bill Design

The goals of the bills generated by the system were to convey multiple types of services, be easy to understand, be brandable, and minimize calls to support.

Various branded bills generated by Neighbor

I'm a Toronto-based product manager and product designer who has toured the tech industry with a background in computer science, across a broad range of roles.

Along the way, I've discovered my underlying passion is in the crafting of products that make peoples' lives better.